Natural Body Care2018-07-16T14:58:40-06:00
natural body care for a beautiful you

Natural Body Care

Do-it-yourself recipes and practical tips to nourish your body from the outside, in

EWG concluded that people applied an average of 126 unique ingredients on their skin daily. (1) Many of these ingredients are toxic. This is just one reason to make your own body care products. True health comes from balance. Supporting your body in all ways physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally is the only way for optimal wellness. From DIY recipes to daily living tips on everything from nutrition and exercise, to reducing toxin exposure and aiding common ailments, the NaturoCoach has you covered. I will work to bring you the latest in natural health and provide you with reputable resources so you can bring the best health to you and your loved ones!

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Body Care recipes and products you will fall in love with!

Head over to my resources page for products I use and recommend! 


Visit my store for my handcrafted products and cleanses!


Hi! I am Katie Farris-The NaturoCoach. I am a Natural Health Consultant with a doctorate in Naturopathy. My goal is to empower you with your health by bringing you information to make healthy choices in your daily life!

The NaturoCoach

Bringing Health Into Your Hands