Affiliate Policy2018-05-02T14:00:49-06:00

Affiliate Policy

Some links on (Company, Site), may lead to a product or service that provides an affiliate commission to the Company. This does not increase the price for you, and sometimes, may offer a discount for you. The Company only affiliates with products and services that Company uses or has used and would recommend. These links are for your convenience and only meant to be helpful. Company is not given free products, services, or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on the Site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. These commissions allow me to run this site for you. Company’s first priority is to provide you with useful, educational, and valuable information and resources to help you bring health into your hands. For more information on the policy’s of this site click here. Thank you for your support!

Hi! I am Katie Farris-The NaturoCoach. I am a Natural Health Consultant with a doctorate in Naturopathy. My goal is to empower you with your health by bringing you information to make healthy choices in your daily life!

The NaturoCoach

Bringing Health Into Your Hands